Escort Services and Sex Services Are Not at All the Same
As you know, there is as much confusing information in the real world as there is online. For one thing, quite a few people think that escorting is interlaced with sex services such as prostitution. That is not the case at all, and we are going to explain what the differences are.
Escort Services Are Not About Sex
You are making use of escort services when you hire a person to accompany you to events. They can also be someone to act as your girlfriend/boyfriend for a certain amount of time. They act as your dates to make you look good in front of people while providing you company, pretty much.
Furthermore, an escort can help with social anxiety as well. Some of them may even advise you on how to cope with the anxiety in addition to spending time with you. They can teach you how to meet people too.
Sex is not part of the deal with escort services in many areas of the world, including the U.S. Plus, escort services are not a real-life dating site. They are there to provide company outside of the bedroom, and that’s it.
You Pay for Escort, You Also Pay for Sex
As mentioned, escorting is about providing company. However, if an escort service does offer sex (and it is illegal where you live) then it would be best to go elsewhere because this is not a proper agency within the law.
If you are in Nevada, or other parts of the world where exchanging money for sex is legal, then you would have to discuss this aspect with the agency first. It will cost you extra. Plus, it will not be on the first date. And, they can say “no” if they want to. The same goes for prostitutes. You are dealing with people, not objects.
How it usually works is that you would meet with the escort agency, where they will ask you certain questions about yourself and your likes, etc. This is so that they can find the escort that would suit you the best, allowing you to have a good and even an organic time with them.
However, if prostitution is illegal and sex is offered to you it could result in them facing the criminal charge of soliciting prostitution. If you are looking for both slices of the pie, in countries and states where prostitution is outlawed, then you would have to pay for it separately from different people: an escort, and a prostitute. They cannot be the same person since it is not within this escort business.
Escort Services Focuses More on Being Your Company
An escort is someone that you pay to spend time with. As we mentioned it can be to attend events or to help deal with social anxiety. That is why it is important to go to a licensed escort agency, to make it clear what you are looking for.
The duration of the contract will also come into discussion as well as the rules that both you and the escort have to follow. Such as how touchy the two of you can be with each other, how long you can be in the same company, etc.
Plus, agencies also can do a background check on you. This is the same practice that they do with their escort to make sure that they are of age, among other things. But, it is best for you to also do more research into the agency by checking out reviews or frequently asked questions. Even though there is no sex involved it is still illegal to go out with a minor even if you had no clue.
It is a job for them, and all manners of work have rules. The difference between an escort and a prostitute is that the latter is only with you for sexual activities that last an evening. Or a day depending on your mood. Escorts can last for weeks, months, maybe even a year depending on your contract with them and the agency they are with.
Prostitution Is Illegal; Escort Services Are Not
The downside with prostitution is that it is illegal in many parts of the world while escorting is not. However, the latter does have to have a verified license to function within the law. An agency without a license is a crime in someplace such as California.
This is so that the escort agencies have rules to follow as well as to be highly regulated. The agency requires a special permit to function. Prostitution on the other hand is legally in many places. Therefore, logically, licenses do not exist for them. And, they do not meet you before the “date” like with an escort agency.
If you are caught with a prostitute as in they offered you sex for exchange for money or you wanted to pay them for sex. This falls under the solicitation of prostitution which is illegal. It can result in a fine or jail time for a year depending on the state. However, first-timers get a short sentence usually between 30 days to 6 months.
But, being with a licensed escort does not harm you or them since they are legal. Therefore, you will not end up in jail.
Escort Services Are Safer Than Prostitution
Since agencies do background checks on their clients and escorts, it would be safer to be in the company of an escort when compared to a prostitute. We are not saying that all prostitutes are dangerous, the majority of the time they are not. They just pump and dump.
But, escort agencies have regulations while prostitution does not. Furthermore, since you do not engage in sexual activities with an escort you will not get any STDs since it is illegal in many places. Undoubtedly making them safer. If you are in a country that allows prostitution, the exchange of sex for money, then the background checks of the escorts come in handy to make them safer. But, the point of an escort is not the sex.
Final Bow
Depending on where you live dictates the rules of the escort agency. If prostitution is allowed, then you can have sex with your escort if they permit it. This also applies to prostitutes. Therefore, know the law regarding prostitution in your country and state. But, escorts are to keep you company, and prostitutes are for sex only.